multi-aterm | Multi-terminal for the X Window System based on aterm | |
mxterm | Motif XTerm | |
neXtaw | NeXTstep-like widgets based on the Athena Widget set | |
nighthawk (V) | C64 Paradroid clone | |
numlockx | Allows you to start X with numlock turned on | |
ocaml-graphics | The latest implementation of the Caml dialect of ML (graphics library) | |
ocaml-lablgtk | GTK+ 2.x bindings for Objective Caml | |
olvwm (V) | Open Look Virtual Window Manager | |
oneko | Like xneko except on the desktop and with other animals | |
otpCalc (V) | OTP and S/Key calculator for X | |
p5-Alien-wxWidgets | Building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries | |
p5-Clipboard | Copy and paste with any OS | |
p5-gnome-bindings (V) | Meta-package for Perl bindings for the GNOME desktop | |
p5-gtk2 | Perl bindings for GTK+ 2.0 | |
p5-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory | Introduction into the FormFactory framework | |
p5-Gtk2-GladeXML (V) | Perl bindings for Glade (2) | |
p5-Tk | Perl5 interface to Tk | |
p5-Wx | Perl5 interface to the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI toolkit | |
p5-Wx-Perl-DataWalker (V) | Shows a relatively simple Perl data structure browser | |
p5-Wx-Perl-ProcessStream | Access IO of external processes via events from WxWidgets | |
p5-Wx-Scintilla (V) | Scintilla source code editing component for wxWidgets | |
p5-X11-Protocol | Interface to the X11 protocol | |
paragui | Cross-platform high-level application framework and GUI library | |
pixman | Library of low-level pixel manipulation routines | |
plan (V) | Schedule planner based on X/Motif | |
planner (V) | Project management tool for the GNOME desktop | |
polclock (V) | Digital clock with some nice graphics effects | |
presentproto | X11 extension for efficient window updates | |
printproto | Print extension headers from | |
proxymngr | X proxy manager service | |
py-gnome-bindings (V) | Meta-package for Python bindings for the GNOME desktop | |
py-gnome2 | Python binding for GNOME2 | |
py-gnome2-desktop | Python modules for the GNOME desktop | |
py-gnome2-extras | Python binding for GNOME2 | |
py-gtk2 | Python bindings for GTK+2 | |
py-gtksourceview | Python bindings for gtksourceview2 | |
py-kde4 | Python bindings for the KDE integrated X11 desktop | |
py-keybinder | Python bindings for the keybinder library | |
py-kiwi | Framework and a set of enhanced PyGTK widgets | |
py-Pmw | Python meta widgets (python-2.x version) | |
py-Pmw2 | Python meta widgets (python-3.x version) | |
py-pyperclip | Python module for cross-platform clipboard functions | |
py-qt4 | Python binding for Qt4 | |
py-qt4-qscintilla | QScintilla -- Python bindings | |
py-qt5 | Python binding for Qt5 | |
py-qwt-qt4 | Python bindings for the Qwt QT4 C++ class library | |
py-sip | Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries | |
py-terminator | Terminator, multiple terminals in one window | |
py-Tk | Tkinter -- Python interface to Tcl/Tk | |
py-vte | Python bindings for the Vte terminal widget | |
py-wxWidgets | Python bindings for wxWidgets | |
py-xcbgen | XCB protocol descriptions (in XML) | |
py-Xlib | Functional X client library for Python | |
qnetwalk (V) | QNetwalk is a Qt-version of the popular NetWalk game | |
qt3 | meta-package for the QT GUI C++ toolkit | |
qt3-docs | Documentation for the QT C++ X GUI toolkit | |
qt3-libs | C++ X GUI toolkit | |
qt3-mysql | QT mysql driver | |
qt3-pgsql | QT postgresql driver | |
qt3-qscintilla | Scintilla C++ editor class for Qt | |
qt3-tools | QT GUI (WYSIWYG) builder and other tools | |
qt4 | meta-package for the QT GUI C++ toolkit | |
qt4-creator | Cross-platform IDE for Qt and C++ | |
qt4-docs | Documentation for the QT C++ X GUI toolkit | |
qt4-libs | C++ X GUI toolkit | |
qt4-mng | QT MNG image format plugin | |
qt4-mysql | QT mysql driver | |
qt4-pgsql | QT postgresql driver | |
qt4-qdbus | QT DBus support | |
qt4-qscintilla | Scintilla C++ editor class for Qt | |
qt4-sqlite3 | Qt4 sqlite3 driver | |
qt4-tiff | QT TIFF image format plugin | |
qt4-tools | QT GUI (WYSIWYG) builder and other tools | |
qt5 | meta-package for version 5 of the QT GUI C++ toolkit | |
qt5-mysql | Qt5 MySQL plugin | |
qt5-odbc | Qt5 odbc plugin | |
qt5-psql | Qt5 PostgreSQL plugin | |
qt5-qtbase | C++ X GUI toolkit | |
qt5-qtdeclarative | Qt5 module for declarative framework | |
qt5-qtdoc | Qt5 documentations | |
qt5-qtgraphicaleffects | Qt5 module for Graphics effects | |
qt5-qtimageformats | Qt5 module for Image formats | |
qt5-qtlocation | Qt5 module for qtlocation | |
qt5-qtmacextras | Qt5 module for Mac extras | |
qt5-qtmultimedia | Qt5 module for multimedia | |
qt5-qtquick1 | Qt5 module for Quick1 | |
qt5-qtquickcontrols | Qt5 module for QuickControls | |
qt5-qtscript | Qt5 module for script | |
qt5-qtsensors | Qt5 module for Sensors | |
qt5-qtserialport | Qt5 module for Serial Port | |
qt5-qtsvg | Qt5 module for SVG | |
qt5-qttools | Qt5 tools | |
qt5-qttranslations | Qt5 translations | |
qt5-qtwebchannel | Qt5 WebChannel module | |
qt5-qtwebkit | Qt5 WebView module | |
qt5-qtwebsockets | Qt5 module for websockets | |
qt5-qtx11extras | Qt5 module for X11 extras | |
qt5-qtxmlpatterns | Qt5 module for XML Patterns | |
qt5-sqlite3 | Qt5 SQLite3 plugin | |
qwt | Qt widget library for technical purposes |